FWIW – a literary site

The literary site of Jason Bentsman & Co. Entertainment, illumination, edification


deleting pages from my dissertation causes me acute physical pain


Shawn [a nurse]

I can manage that.



propofol, or a little dilaudid?



That’s terrible. I feel for you. Those cretins don’t understand that those pages are essential to the purpose (now I think I just may be projecting)…. Maybe, afterwards, you can put out a “Dissertation: Director’s Cut,” including all the deleted pages— and an appendix of zany bloopers.



Pages and pages of well-researched yet unnecessary historical context for a minor point: HILARIOUS BLOOPER.






‎”My body thinks I’m a bear. I think I’m a bear. You think I’m a bear. So why am I not a bear?!”




why would she not be bear?



I don’t know. You’d have to ask her. I think she’s a bear.






The Scorpions canceled their Minsk show



I refuse to believe this.



I know, I know. It’s almost— unbelievable.



A new Day the Music Died



Soy tan sexy que mi amor



This is true.



soy mucho para Milán, mucho para Milán, New York y Japón



Hey, don’t you guys rag on The Scorpions! I love them!






‎”No mud, no lotus” –Thich Nhat Hahn

Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (Half Bound Lotus Forward Bend)



“No woman, no cry” –Bob Marley






‎”Russians are capable of bringing the notion of ‘jutkact’ (kitsch/ gaudiness/ tackiness) to a whole

other level. The level you never thought was possible.” –Sasha









I think I sprained my tongue trying to say “jutkact”



It’s pronounced ‘zhoot-kuhst’… anyway, you sprain your tongue every month doing something or other



I’ve been searching for the name of this ever since my first trip to Israel…



That’s what a Russian would call it… ‘POSH-luhst’ would be translated as ‘kitsch,’ and ‘JHOOT-kuhst’ as the kind of absurd kitsch-gaudiness-tackiness seen in the video… Unfortunately, it’s difficult to approximate the right pronunciation…



My Russian/Ukranian colleague Dima who sits next to me says you’re wrong, and that jutkact means ‘liquid’. Bentsman are you trying to pull one on us?



He’s thinking of ‘ZHEET-kast’— which means liquid. ‘ZHEET-kaya’ means liquidy… ‘ZHOOT-kast’ (noun) comes from ‘ZHOOT-kaya’ (adj)— which means basically what I said: extreme kitsch/ tackiness/ gaudiness. Have him check a good Russian dictionary if he doesn’t believe it. (Again, the confusion here is trying to transliterate the Russian sounds in English letters.)



I’m still waiting to see evidence of a Russian capacity for kitsch/gaudy/tacky exceeding the American.

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pet peeve: The creepily subservient, alienating, and unhelpful ways in which large companies (banks, utilities, credit card, tech companies, etc) require their customer service people to speak. They sound like automatons, w/o intuitive conversational sense or rapport, forced to ask inane questions and make inane statements no one ever responds to affirmatively. At the very end of the conversation, after every issue has (or, more often, has not) been addressed, always: “Is there anything else I can help you with today?” – ‘No, clearly not’ – “Okay, sir. Thank you for your time today, sir. Motorcola and the Motorcola family has been serving the community for years and is proud of your continued patronage.” – Would anyone speak like this in person? – As Jerry Seinfeld would say: “Who are these people?”



I figured it out: you’re Andy Rooney and Larry David’s love child.



You just figured it out today? It’s common knowledge.

Larry and Andy were deeply in love. It was the height of the roaring sixties. Leicester Sqaure. The MODS. The Beatles had just returned from Sri Lanka. It was love at fourth sight. But it wasn’t meant to be. Not the right time; not their time. Strangers in the night… I knew I would get flak for that one



I just misspelled “square”



there’s something missing from this story… andy kaufman as gestational carrier maybe



I’ve heard strange rumors about Andy Kaufman. Strange forebodings, and whispers in the night. But I’ve never myself seen the man.



Next on ’60 Minutes’!

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i will pay you 1 million dollars to finish my dissertation for me



At this rate, I might just have the time! Oh wait. I shouldn’t say that. A bunch of people might kill me. Nevermind. You can keep your 1 million dollars.



I’ll do it for one month’s rent



autumn, if you are under contract to finish my dissertation i will protect you. and a month’s rent is a serious discount on 1 million dollars. makes me question the quality of your product jason.



jason, how much is your rent?



two million dollars


Teresa [Michelle’s mother]

I’ll do it for free…..but it may not get you your PHD!



There’s the Capitalist system for you. Don’t charge overmuch, give someone a good deal, and they automatically question the quality of your services… Fine, I’ll do it for 1 million five hundred thousand (firm)



Hey watch it there mister! I said I would do it for free and you are turning it into a bidding war……bring it on….bring it on!



you can do it you can do it!



Spoken like a true friend!



For 1,500,000, I will get you the PhD. No problem. I’ll also throw in an MA in Computer Science, and a Bachelor’s in underwater basket weaving (a skill currently highly in demand in Denmark).



me thinks you win! but I don’t like it!



I think I could use some of that basket weaving….we’ll talk some time



Product bundling, savvy marketing move. I don’t really need a BA in basket weaving, yet the offer is hard to resist.



Everyone always goes for the basket weaving. Who doesn’t love a handmade basket infused with the timelessness of the ocean?… I will be displaying some of my personal baskets tonight at 9 pm on the Home Shopping Network.

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Every gmail email in existence seems to be taken… It’s like the Monthy Python cheese shop sketch



what about fyodorkafstoy@gmail.com ?? taken?



The only one that seems to be available is “eriuhurwsdghvdjjhujvcvvcsjcbdhvcdvbvbhbvdhhvbsdhcvvcjkbsajkadbjkb84865tr@gmail.com”



you should totally do it. and put it on your business card.



Don’t worry— I snagged it up fast!… Making business cards as we speak.



iamgerarddepardieu@gmail.com. You’re welcome.









indeed. the good advice continues pouring in.









I think I’ve struck some strange universal nerve



everyone will be happy (or unhappy) to know that I have settled on “[redacted]@gmail.com” as an alternate email




sorry, i will go back to work now.






that’s enough



I’ll be the judge of when it’s enough!… Okay. It’s enough.



enough is enough or ya poidu v shtany kazhdomy iz vas!



Tol’ko etovo malo!

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Cheese is the new meat



Ketchup is “out” for 2010. You heard it here first, friends… I heard a little rumor that lentil soup is “in.”



Lentil soup is enjoyable to eat and healthy for your bodily system.



Indeed!… A little bird told me: Baklava: “In” for 2010. Capers: “Out”… In other news: sprouts “hot.” Crepes “not.”



What food is the “new some other food”?



You’re insatiable. No other food this week. However, you’ll be interested to hear that chinchilla is the new snakeskin.



Fava beans are the new chianti… This changes the quote from Silence of the Lambs only in theory.



Food is Christianity “for the people”

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Sasha posts:

When Bentsman is on fire, nobody can touch him

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is looking for some wall-to-wall action



‎’balls to the wall’



Thanks. That hits the spot.

Same time, same place next week.






smells autumn on the wind



Ahhh! Shut up, shut up!



Autumn! Autumn I say!… What’s that?… Autumn!






Officially going to India in March. Flight to Delhi: booked! Suggestions and advice welcome!



Stow me away in your suitcase?… I don’t weigh much, and can live off saltine crackers for weeks at a time.






My dog likes the white powder.



a little bit of snow for the dog… steel ice… nose candy… stardust… white lady… white horse… happy dust… why not





L. [message]

Flew into Baltimore last night, at my parents house. I keep thinking of poe’s house of usher. My family seems pervaded by a sense of inexorable Decline.


Jason [message]

Haven’t read that one. Poe is a hoe, and all that. You know, the old Crimson days. Freebasing on the 40 yard line. Giving the kicks to old caretaker Willy. The Lunarium ball. Those were the times. Still haven’t gotten around to Poe. But I hear his mother writes excellent Slam poetry.

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