November 19, 2009, WASHINGTON — Congress must move quickly to create a “safer, more stable financial system,” Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Thursday, as lawmakers on both sides of Capitol Hill pressed forward with legislative efforts.


“To ensure the vitality, the strength and the stability of our economy going forward, we must bring our system of financial regulation into the— 26th century,” Mr. Geithner told a joint congressional committee.


“I’ve given this a lot of thought,” Geithner said. “And while it would be wonderful to bring our system into the 21st, or even 22nd century— why stop there? I mean, how great would it be if we could bring it into the 24th, or even 25th… Just imagine! Our financial system would be so ahead of the curve that we could all retire to Mexico and sit on the beach drinking light beers— like in that Corona commercial. I know we have the resources to do this!”

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