
i will pay you 1 million dollars to finish my dissertation for me



At this rate, I might just have the time! Oh wait. I shouldn’t say that. A bunch of people might kill me. Nevermind. You can keep your 1 million dollars.



I’ll do it for one month’s rent



autumn, if you are under contract to finish my dissertation i will protect you. and a month’s rent is a serious discount on 1 million dollars. makes me question the quality of your product jason.



jason, how much is your rent?



two million dollars


Teresa [Michelle’s mother]

I’ll do it for free…..but it may not get you your PHD!



There’s the Capitalist system for you. Don’t charge overmuch, give someone a good deal, and they automatically question the quality of your services… Fine, I’ll do it for 1 million five hundred thousand (firm)



Hey watch it there mister! I said I would do it for free and you are turning it into a bidding war……bring it on….bring it on!



you can do it you can do it!



Spoken like a true friend!



For 1,500,000, I will get you the PhD. No problem. I’ll also throw in an MA in Computer Science, and a Bachelor’s in underwater basket weaving (a skill currently highly in demand in Denmark).



me thinks you win! but I don’t like it!



I think I could use some of that basket weaving….we’ll talk some time



Product bundling, savvy marketing move. I don’t really need a BA in basket weaving, yet the offer is hard to resist.



Everyone always goes for the basket weaving. Who doesn’t love a handmade basket infused with the timelessness of the ocean?… I will be displaying some of my personal baskets tonight at 9 pm on the Home Shopping Network.

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