A Night of Sulphur
A night of sulphur
in the garden
with winding trees
exquisite breeze
but sulphur ling’ring
in the air
and in the blue heather
I heard
a girl’s voice
clear as the moon
follow me down
she sang, she cried
follow me down
to the riverside
so I left my bench
and jumped the trail
hov’ring on
that perfect
made its way
to southern shores
the voice called on
away, anon
follow me down
it sang, it cried
follow me down
down to the riverside
and at that river
silent shore
all voices converge
in quiet waves
had it been I
who’d dreamt
that voice,
the last
of fading
∆ Appeared in FIRE: No. 18 (Oxford, UK)
To know the hidden thoughts of others would be horrifying.
And Silent Silent Silent Go
And silent silent silent go
the last footsteps
of falling day
and silent silent silent fall
the glor’ious stars
of our decay
I stood nearby
in thought
as you peered through
the spying glass
to southern shores
dark blue
the fields
and rolling
hills of grass
I said to you
my friend
my love
one day these shores
will cease
to be
but you looked on
in thought
as the waves
rolled forward
∆ Appeared in FIRE: No. 18 (Oxford, UK)
Jazz Wafts
Jazz wafts
through the darkness
of the lake. . .
past hunched trees
and grass
like clumped rice,
tissue-paper clover,
past glazed sand
and gravel
in the road,
forgotten boulders,
past street lamps
and their pale
amber glow.
On a boulder
sits a bottle.
It asks for nothing,
gives nothing in return.
The blank hum of crickets.
“It so happens I am sick of being a man. . .”
I leave the bottle
and walk on,
into the darkness. . .
∆ Appeared in FIRE: No. 14 (Oxford, UK)
The Blues Brothers (7-9er)
Simply irresistible anything but typical . . . his tail is as long as four train cars . . . size does matter . . . For hair, healthy hair starts with honey . . . drink more Florida orange juice (100%) are you drinking ENUFF? . . . back to school . . . reward . . . Philadelphia Cream Cheese . . . the worst is that the cigarette would sooth your habit, your CRAVINGS . . . SHIT, daddy’s got a headache . . . Tylenol: take comfort in our strength . . . Provide information that leads to the arrest of a violent felon . . . actually get into the places you go . . . Our models can beat up their models . . . It’s no longer about you, you, you . . . Hand-sculpted, gold, personalized certificate of registration and display case absolutely free, here’s how to ORDER !! . . . and you can forget the clock . . . you rely a lot on the dramamine . . . only on the Superstation . . . Now back to the Blues Brothers, excuse us . . . advocates for Asian Americans . . . energy, style and substance for the accomplished woman . . . come in for a landing . . . HUMIDITY 25% . . . fresh for a sprinkle today . . . 4 Biggie Fries and Biggie Drink . . . our testing exceeds the government standards . . . We know how you feel about that: anything closer could be too CLOSE for comfort . . . i also survived leukemia in my late 20s . . . what’s sexy now? . . . Cops in training struggle to BREAK all the rules @ CLUB PARADISE . . . New chips that have gone crackers . . . Benjamin Moore is the brand that customers trust . . . Now back to the Blues Brothers . . .
I seem to live in a world that cares nothing for literature or the life of the mind. Money is the unchallenged lord of this world— How can one go on?
– journal, May 25, 2010
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