A party.

Man 1. What do you do? 
Man 2. I work at a café.
Man 1. But what do you really do? 
Man 2. What do you mean?
Man 1. I mean, what is your thing? Are you an actor? 
Man 2. No. I just work at a café.
Man 1. You mean— that’s all you do?
Man 2. Yes. 
Man 1. And that’s all you want to do?
Man 2. Yes. 
Man 1. Huh. [whispering to himself] Just work at a café… I see… Interesting… Just

work at a cafe. [pause] Hey everyone! Come here! You have to meet this guy. He

works at a cafe— and that’s all he wants to do.
Man 3. What do you mean?
Man 1. He says he’s happy “just working at a cafe.” 
Man 3. Just working at a cafe? What else does he do? 
Man 1. No, you see, that’s the thing. I asked him that already. He’s says he’s happy “just

working at a cafe.”
Woman 1. What are you guys talking about?
Man 3. This guy here, he says he works at a cafe— and that’s all he wants to do. 
Woman 1. Philip, really.
Man 3. No. I’m serious.
Woman 1. Philip. 
Man 3. No, really. Ask him yourself.
Woman 1. [To Man 2] Is that right? Is that all you want to do— just work at a cafe?

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