FWIW – a literary site

The literary site of Jason Bentsman & Co. Entertainment, illumination, edification

The miraculous life of Tatiana and Krista Hogan and what it could reveal about the human brain.

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pripyat, ukraine - Tim Seuss - creepiest cities

“Some cities die. The people leave, the streets go quiet, and the isolation takes on the macabre shape of a forlorn ghost-town— crumbling with haunting neglect and urban decay. . .”





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SAN FRANCISCO – When faced with a thorny moral dilemma, what people say they would do and what people actually do are two very different things. . .


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Canadian athlete Olga Kotelko didn’t start training until the age of 77, and at 91 she is still winning medals and breaking world records.



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The hand-rickshaw may soon disappear from the streets of Calcutta but not everyone will be sad to see them go, as Judy Swallow reports…






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bacteria in gut strongly shapes personality

Bacteria in mouse gut affect development and behaviour — BBC News

The teeming trillions of bacteria in the digestive tracts of mice have been shown to affect the animals’ brain development and behaviour.


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mind is matter, dream recording device

Dream recording device ‘possible’ — BBC News

Researchers in the US report on progress toward the ability to record and interpret dreams by measuring activity in the brain.


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