FWIW – a literary site

The literary site of Jason Bentsman & Co. Entertainment, illumination, edification

New poems by the renowned Beat / post-Beat poet on the state of affairs & the state of the heart in the later years




Is It True


Is it true a huge swath of India will be

too hot to inhabit? where hundreds

of millions now live?

Will the land cook?

Where will this massive swelter move to?

A huge cauldron of people cultured to live

their unique manner & outlook

Where will they go?


Is it true Greenland is sweating out millions

of tons of itself into the Rising

of the Great Thaw?

Is it true Venice might be submerged

New Orleans too?

Will many islands disappear?

How about Manhatta?


As fit water is rarefied and the profit motive

derives policy & law & commands


So the Big Boy wealth will have just cause

for war as their traditional solution to scarcity

& over population & climate change


Mutated seeds have replaced the Buffalo

The Pacific Ocean is radioactive

Baby Godzillas everywhere

Cameras inside cameras

Every busy corner televised

Yes or No decisions faster than sound

won’t let you escape

Calculates your every future move


Wishing is a curse

Wishing that I could make life

easier for you

An adequate provider instead of a geezer

whose accumulated wealth is in

battered notebooks & a 20 year old


Who’d be pushing mushrooms

if not for you


I haven’t a foot for games of fun

as in fun & games

At the parties dancing is another country

another era

I’m not getting old I am old


Wisdom is more than caution isn’t it?

Even children of rocky soil

Scions of bedrock smile at

Turn eyes to……flowers

both feral & cultivated


Yesterday’s rebels & revolutionaries

are afraid of change

Now old & compromised

They have their small slice of pie

Yet the Garch have made it mandatory

Change and not just talk of It

or that slice will amount to zilch




They Have An Artist Graveyard In Woodstock


The masses have been molded indoctrinated into

thinking meanness is cool

That we must cold look out for number one

to as always survive

Major Mass Media

Main Stream Media

Violence sells, intrigues

Maybe I’m wrong, that we know

Too much is the problem, maybe

We do better as cattle prodded this way

& that, huddled together

in our own excrement

Waiting for the train to the slaughterhouse?


Artists die here

They even have a special cemetery for artists

It costa money—so does the regular graveyard

Get rid of my carcass cheap as you can

I think burning it will be, if I can’t be dumped

in the Atlantic, my preference

left out for carrion eaters from the sky

But my ashes can go anywhere East Oakland 101st

Ave would be cool so would the Meuse back

in the old country and the Ganges!

Rather one reads my books than a stone marker




A Way Out


The situation we find ourselves in

is driving me to nostalgia for the bottle

I haven’t been drunk in at least 8 years

(Yes what you thought was intoxication

was just my bad personality)

I can’t believe the “Love” Generation is going

to the grave with a whimper

Didn’t you experience the marvelous possible

unseen, seen when our eyes went

supernatural inside dancing molecules

buzzing from body to body?


We hear the mountains speak

They have heard much

They can correct us

The ocean can discipline us

The sky can make life unbearable

or healthy beautiful

The constituents have been hoodwinked

into voting against their interests

Not realizing they/we are examples

of why universal suffrage

can be viewed by some as a failure


We failed to win the war on drugs

(I admit I wanted drugs to win)

We failed in the war on poverty

No one in my recent ancestry was a scholar

Neither my mom nor dad finished hi school

My son Cassidy is a scholar

Are there rooms where the oligarch’s secret ministers

are picking out the assassin & victim?

Perhaps the method will let the well-paid controllers

of data let all falsity slip by on the party line

as facts are rendered meaningless


It drives me crazy when I know good learned people     

who think our next political move should be  

a compromise an attempt to replicate the recent       

past and rely on good old free enterprise system  

to suppress the violent revolutions of the

impoverished and busy away from peaceful

petitions of working class they, our version

of free enterprise, will limit the power

of the Garch

The minds behind that direction have no duty to the

future or past (the present defined)

The minds propelling policy—employ hate as the

great equalizer


They want violence

They think their money will protect them

from the massacres and keep their rule extant

Get rid of troublemakers

I’ve been over it myriads of time and I still don’t

know how money does it

Poison darts? maybe not but even depleted uranium

guns need money

The soldiers & officers in harm’s way

with huge harm in their retinue & regime

available but not without money & food

That I don’t have a remedy for the problems

humans face

The words that could solve this inextricable

suicidal dilemma are not forthcoming—

I don’t see someway out of here

no I don’t

I think for now victory for the Garch

is near inevitable

How long before the fellaheen rise again?

As sad and horrible life can be I desire

it goes on as the song stated

“for the good times”




We Will Live To Dance Again


O you were special flaunting that bare shoulder

with spinning moves in the drum circle

on the country tavern hardwood

in the meadow of magic round the fire

High stepping the electric hoe-down & the slow

danced intricate hands elegantly mudra quality       

motions of cleansing & cherishing

That Blakean smile of smiles welcoming eyes

emanating desire is tonic is health

When I first felt the back of your thighs and your   

glutes somehow and why I knew and stated

wow you have the good stuff

My friend warned me you were demure

No! You wanted it as much as I!

And your face resembling so Bernini’s St. Theresa

Espousing & exposing what the ideals of the day   

made into spiritual orgasm into strong queens

and sought after princesses, Mary

Wollstonecraft & her daughter Mary Shelley

and you loved and produced exceptional

language and rocking and rolling blues

that birthed jazz & symphony

Know I am blest we two deplore the Establishment

four kids and big breasts & a face I’ve always

adored since puberty

The Gates of Eden protrude and beckon

I would learn the heavy heat deep in the

Ambrosial bath of my main tool exhibiting a mind

of its own and your gypsy skirt dervish


Men & women are enthralled in homage

to the traditions you evoke

The Future radiates your cheeks

I watch you change apparel; your skin orchestrates

my fingers

I put my eyeballs into your nipples

It feels Good!


Covid-19 just isn’t going away is it?

Must it invade every ode every lyric?

Going to the happy side of the bed

Your entire body transforms into Clit & G spot

all of it makes you glad

And that is my desire & goal

There’s no ambiguity in our desire our lusts

The back of your ears your naked neck

excite my face and the noises

Breathings whistling outbursts of animal pleasure

I admire your hips a classic woman

Our bodies assemble to resemble the movements

of the divinities of the Pantheons

There is a god for every blade of grass

and a divine iota of sound for every

burbling pebble of water

Whether it is my mind or yours

The years the creases of time the tree rings

of the brow vanished

I could see sharp as daybreak the girl

in your face


Meanwhile the Fall of America

We like the lovers of Pompeii frozen in lava


Our history all we knew and abided by crumbles

into industrial back black bleak burning water

What was the reason to believe? & love is from

another fairy-tale era

In a motel room

In a pup tent

In the guest room

In the car in the other worldly Grand Tetons

Jackrabbits & tumbleweeds

going ape shit

O delicious skin O fragrant nape

Waves of genital heat sound like the inauguration

of this Universe

A sucking reverb and the Big Bang

is only my voice

There is no number symbol icon or word

come close to accuracy or description

We can’t rally we are inside wary of touching

the outside

The spoken air is a danger, singing

in the church choir could be a ticket

to the after life

This life on earth is a riddle only solved

by Death & what kind of answer is that?

Yet for a moment all the gloom evaporates

when you let your jeans fall to your ankles

When you put yr Mammalia on my buzzard

bait face and you soft touch my testicles

We’ve had choices

We’ve had opportunities of heroism

The directions of nations & empires

could have gone an unorthodox path

to Nirvana

But money pleasure self aggrandizement

got in the way

Because of you I’m still here

saying the great escape is still alive

I think humanity will find a way from this

sickening place it created It may take

millennia and IT may end any day

because of the damage to the air fire earth water

Yet humanity could & may survive to a harmonious     

collective will yet free minded destiny

and you know why?

Me & You, You & Me, that is why in the drum circle

on the country tavern hardwood floor

in the meadow of magic

It is the lovers who deserve life

and we will dance again




Let His Male Progeny Be Busboys


Let Barbie daughter work a 50 hour week at   

McDonalds & deal with male co-worker

predators in the crowded work space

like the other girls & women

Let the Kentucky prune be an orderly

at an old folk’s home

bed & pan division

Let the little Batista

unload the vegetable crates

out the semi onto the forklift

Let him eat out of a vending machine forever

or a Dempsey Dumpster

Let the Cuban-Canadian-Texan politician transform

into Whipping Boy

Let the Cockwomble like Stalin insult and belittle

one’s wife or lover as a loyalty test

Let the dark Adamms family wannabe do its turn

in the swank dungeon with grinning sadists    

being creative dining on bat meat

Let Lady Macbeth the fork tongued gangster

spend her days as an ordinary working class

Saudi Arabian woman

Let the Minnesota Soccer Mom Prosecutor

wait for Beaver to come Home  

Let her spend a few months in a cell

or quad next to the innocents

she prosecuted and convicted

Let the talented dark government groomed

and tested Howdy Doody   

be entertainment at the billionaires’

masked costume ball   

Let him Sing & Dance with Death

Let the Grand Bribers beg on the sidewalks

       & let their progeny be bus boys







About the poet, Andy Clausen


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nous souhaitions vous informer


nous souhaitions vous informer qu’une décision a été prise

la monnaie « santé » vaudra à présent 58% de la monnaie « shampoing »

et a chuté hier à nouveau de 18 points par rapport à la monnaie « finance »


ceci est une invitation officielle à la chasse aux sous perdus

nous souhaitions vous aviser qu’il vous en reste plus qu’à d’autres

et qu’ils pourraient vous les prendre

et que nous pourrions vous les prendre

veuillez noter qu’il n’existe à ce jour aucune règle officielle reconnue par la fédération sportive

si ce n’est l’obligation de participer


nous vous remercions de votre achat

il a été porté à notre attention que les costumes livrés l’ont été avec les poches trouées

nous ne fournissons aucun modèle de remplacement

là où s’écoule l’effort sur le trottoir

nous vous demandons de bien vouloir ne pas laisser de traces


veuillez prendre note du fait que ce jour marque la fin de l’âge de pierre

en ceci que la pierre est sable, en ceci que le sable est coté en bourse

et que tout ce qui n’a pas été construit de vos propres mains sales pourra s’évaporer sans préavis


nous sommes dans le devoir de vous annoncer qu’il n’y a plus d’édifices à bâtir

sinon des autels à la gloire du dieu qui vous sera attribué

que toute tente, cabane, foyer de fortune ou halte non régularisée fera l’objet de poursuites administratives

merci de bien vouloir attendre derrière la ligne avec vos mains serrées

plus d’informations suivront

sur ce que vous pourrez en faire

veuillez suspendre immédiatement et jusqu’à nouvel ordre toute activité associée à la douceur

ne tirez pas de chaise pour un inconnu

à la prochaine mise à jour vous sera notifié le nouvel usage prévu pour l’espace entre vos bras


nous avons le regret de vous informer que l’eau des mers n’est plus navigable

si le ciel s’assombrit, souvenez-vous que la mitraille

est aussi noire que les oiseaux


nous avons la joie de vous apprendre que tout homme dispose d’une liberté totale de mouvement dans une aire d’un pas sur deux

où un pas sur le marbre est plus vaste que l’univers connu

et où un pas dans le désert n’ira pas plus loin que le bout de votre chaussure

tous les hommes et les femmes naissent et demeurent égaux en nombre de pas

nous vous invitons à tourner sur vous-mêmes ou à respecter l’itinéraire désigné

car le diamant a besoin de marcheurs des profondeurs

comme l’eau a besoin de collecteurs de pluie

et le ventre insatiable, de marteleurs de terre


si la course est trop longue, arrêtez-vous

si vous vous arrêtez, veuillez justifier votre choix au moyen du formulaire ci-joint et nous le renvoyer sous pli scellé d’ici sept heures ouvrables

faute de quoi nous serons dans l’obligation de vous assigner un nouveau rêve


nous sommes malheureusement dans l’impossibilité de vous répondre actuellement

nous vous demandons de bien vouloir patienter

entre le barbelé et l’espoir


nous vous remercions de votre appel à la lune

nous accusons réception de votre cri

nous avons l’honneur de vous accueillir parmi les dépossédés

Avenue Ouest

Mon pays, c’est le pétrole

Dont j’arpente le plancher

Ma ville, c’est le royaume

Des couloirs de carton

Des allées de plastique

Où sous un soleil de néon

Gisent des végétaux sous vide

Quel vide

Une opportune absence d’air

Il parait qu’on s’y conserve plus longtemps

Cans de conserve

Jusqu’à expiration


Expire, plus que n’inspire

Dans le doute

Que l’air soit délétère

Photosynthèse à l’envers

Ma jungle quadrilatère

A pourtant gardé ses repères

D’avant, et elle

Se souvient encore de l’Ouest

Ce songe immémorial de prospérité

Son Nord perdu, échappé à la misère

Son Sud aux accents chauds et son Est,

À jamais renié.

Qui marche encore vers là

Où tout a commencé ?


Ouest, où la journée finit

Ouest, où la richesse éclot

Au sein de l’Ouest

Je me suis nourrie

Terre-mère de bitume

Dans le sable, je marche mal

Recouvre, recouvre

Et que glissent les roues des caddies

Et que règnent les roues des voitures

Je sais bien où aller

Un peu moins d’où je viens

Mais je mange à ma faim


Avance, avance

Tu as jusqu’à la date indiquée sur ta peau de pellicule moulante

Humanité sous vide

Je ne me plains pas

J’ai appris à marcher à plat

La tête dans le sac

Je me suis dégagé un petit espace pour hurler

Les jours de pleine lune

Je rêve de Sud le temps d’un hiver

Et de forêt l’espace d’un weekend

Si tu voulais vraiment partir, tu l’aurais déjà fait

Le supermarché reste ouvert assez tard

Et on y afflue par millions


J’ai vu le blé en boite et en épi

J’ai vu la terre en sac et sous mes pieds

J’ai vu les oiseaux trouver

La cime d’arbre qu’on leur a laissée

Il nous reste encore juste assez de nostalgie

Pour ne pas tout oublier

Dans ta ruée vers l’Ouest

Rien ne t’empêche parfois de t’arrêter


L’Ouest a deux seins

Celui qui te nourrit

Et celui qui te consume

Tu ne peux pas choisir

Les deux te sont donnés en même temps

Je suis faite à 50% d’eau, et à 50% de plastique

Comme d’autres sont faits de terreur et d’étoiles

Et d’aucuns, de silence et d’ennui


J’ai l’Ouest gravé sur la peau

Marquée au fer blanc

Entends-tu les cloches de ton troupeau ?

Entends-tu les cloches de ton couvent ?

Ton fast fashion en guise d’oripeaux

Ta culpabilité pour relatif fardeau

On se bâtit d’erreurs, on se bâtit de sang

Bêtes plastifiées des villes d’Occident



Taking the shawl
or If you don’t leave, you can’t come back


Taking the shawl

I can only see my home

From afar


Le voyage est élastique

Dit le nomade

Au gadjo statique


Plus on s’éloigne, plus on revient

Ne tire pas



Your hands are still sore from the rope

Mine feel the outlines

I just crossed


J’ai perdu ma langue

J’ai perdu toutes les langues

Et écouté


Le calme suit la certitude

D’être terrifié

Marche sans crainte


Le foyer est autant la maison

Que le feu

Qui guide ton retour


Deeper the night, brighter the smoke

From the campfire

Where your people sing

— About the poet, Marianne Lorthiois

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The Fire

He said he knew how to play with fire
and fed tinder to a shy little spark,
coaxing her into a blue and gold flame
that lit up his murky dark

He said he wasn’t afraid of being burnt
and built her into a bonfire of his dreams,
but soon he was scrambling back,
and she could hear his frightened screams

He said she should have been more careful
as he dug a pit to douse her with sand,
yet there she was burning blindingly
and there she still stands

Gypsy Breaths

Haunting reflections in the mirror:
those dark eyes brimming with memories;
moments that do not belong just to me.

Starry nights on summer rooftops—
the breaths given to you were never mine;
now what do I do with all this air?

Tendrils of me with no whispers to share:
there is no longer a heart to seep into,
though mine still listens for a loving echo.

All my breaths now stir in an endless dance;
a gypsy walking down a long, dusty road;
a moth glimmering around a dying fire.


I dreamt that I lit a cigarette on a rooftop in New York
while you inhaled the noxious fumes in Lahore

I dreamt that I ran my heart over with a sleek car
as you silently watched from a shadowed balcony

I dreamt of running up an endless marble staircase
while our bittersweet laughter echoed around me

I dreamt of cradling a shimmering green dress
while I watched you ready a magnificent bonfire

I dreamt of rushing down the aisle under a stormy sky
as a thousand songs played in a split second

I dreamt of our entwined hands glistening with black ink
which then broke apart and faded away into nothingness

I dreamt about watching you from within a mirror
as you fixed your tie and turned around to her

I dreamt and dreamt till I woke up to a hollow room
while snow fell hauntingly outside my window


Untitled #5

So we let the fire

catch us unaware,

but we burned in

glory and not shame:

embracing the inevitability

of things that shape us

into the strength

we are today

—About the poet, Werda Shermeen Zia

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My Grandparents



There are no photographs

of who they were

what they did


One was beautiful

with hair like the sun

setting in late August

but more pale


Another was slow, a third fat

with fingers so strong

they never let go


The last, a wanderer

who became lost searching

for work in Galicia


They come to me

as I sit after breakfast

in the kitchen

and I tell them

the truths I have found:


Time is a windmill

the world exhales each day

inhales each night


Friends come to us

when we are dying

or struggling with mysteries

or joyfully shedding our skin

in summer on a beach



Don’t worry, I tell them,

we are never alone


And I tell them stories,

true ones, like this:


Once in an airport

while I sat alone, writing

a poem about Primo Levi’s

death in Turin


An Asian woman walked

back and forth near me

singing deep in her throat


de    de    tay

               de de     tay     tay

                             de      de      tay


and she stayed by me





until I finished

the lines about Levi’s

guilt and forgiveness

in the moment before

he threw himself down

to his death

on the stairs

in Turin


She did not see me

hearing her song

as she walked there



her song

as deep in her throat

as Jesus or love

as deep in my throat

as it was in hers


de    de    tay

               de de     tay     tay

                             de      de      tay


And when I tell my grandparents

this story, they sit

in their brown suits

and dark babushkas, smiling


and nodding as if they

understood my words, as if

my English was their Polish





     —About the poet, John Guzlowski

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 It Is All Undone



       “Many and splendid are the works I have wrought”   





A solitary bird traverses the blasted heath,

where life has been forsaken.


I dug myself in a hole,

and yet the Father reached down

with his hand to lift me.

I gouged holes into myself,

and yet the Son had mercy on me.

But now I have sinned against the Spirit

and cannot be forgiven.


I have learned to climb

out from hell after inviting its worst to try me.

I have traveled casually

through many-dimensional cities.

All the while I would slip

into the doing of unspeakable acts,

knowing full well God

is massive enough

to erase it all.

No cycle too cruel to jump

into and out of, no addiction

too abysmal for my visitation.

But now I have sinned against the Spirit

and cannot be forgiven.


Turn your head as I walk past—

you want no part of this

that I’ve become.

I draw my power from the darkness,

I would bring down all humans

with me— what is that to me?

For I have sinned against the Spirit

and cannot be forgiven.





“Look!” A solitary bird traverses the blasted heath—

and sings.


Just then, he and I shared

our two souls.

He took what was turned in me

and let it into his heart,

and replaced it,

now a thing quite new.

No one could believe this. “Look!”

Over the blasted heath— the birds are

returning to the place that God had denied

life for three blackened years.


I once sinned against the Spirit

but I have been forgiven

because I sin no more.

I have returned from the waste and void.




          —By S.W. Whelan. From the poetry collection Holy Hell

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A new translation of the poem Corona by Paul Celan—

haunted examiner of the Holocaust, and one of the most renowned poets 

to emerge post World War II— from the German by Matthew Saks







Autumn eats a leaf from my hand: we are friends.
From the nuts we shell time, and we teach it to walk:
time returns to the shell.


In the mirror it’s Sunday,
in the dream there will be sleeping,
the mouth speaks the truth.


My eye descends to the sex of my lover:
we look at each other,
we speak darkly,
we love one another like the poppy flower and memory,
we sleep like wine does in mussels,
as the sea in the bloody light of the moon.


We stand embracing in the window, people see us from the street:
it is time that they knew!
It is time that the stone consented to bloom,
that a heart beat with restlessness.
It is time that the time come.


It is time.



* * * 





Aus der Hand frißt der Herbst mir sein Blatt: wir sind Freunde.
Wir schälen die Zeit aus den Nüssen und lehren sie gehn:
die Zeit kehrt zurück in die Schale.


Im Spiegel ist Sonntag,
im Traum wird geschlafen,
der Mund redet wahr.


Mein Aug steigt hinab zum Geschlecht der Geliebten:
wir sehen uns an,
wir sagen uns Dunkles,
wir lieben einander wie Mohn und Gedächtnis,
wir schlafen wie Wein in den Muscheln,
wie das Meer im Blutstrahl des Mondes.


Wir stehen umschlungen im Fenster, sie sehen uns zu von der Straße:
es ist Zeit, daß man weiß!
Es ist Zeit, daß der Stein sich zu blühen bequemt,
daß der Unrast ein Herz schlägt.
Es ist Zeit, daß es Zeit wird.


Es ist Zeit.





About the translator, Matthew Saks

About the poet, Paul Celan 

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If you found the above item worthwhile—or get any joy and value from the site—it would be great if you could leave a 'tip'... FWIW takes a lot of time and money to run. Donations from engaged readers are immensely helpful (and indeed indispensable).


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